Member Tickets $310.00
Non-Member Tickets $429.00
Member tickets are available to all Community Centres SA Members by using the member coupon code emailed to them. To access the code contact 8371 4622, or find it listed on our Closed Community Centre Managers Facebook Group.
Prices listed exclude GST and booking fee.
Community Centres SA delivers an Annual Conference to its members and the Human Services sector, that focuses on emerging trends and themes that impact the work you do every day. It is the single largest professional development opportunity for our members and beyond to attend.
Festival of Ageing will focus on how the sector is responding to an ageing population through celebration, listening and adaptation as we all move through life’s journeys.
Participants will experience an inspiring Welcome to Country, in depth contributions from top ageing innovators and leaders from around Australia. The day will be filled with networking opportunities, while exploring local case studies via workshops highlighting practical tools to design, build, and deliver inclusivity strategies. It is also a festival of fun using creativity to break down silos and honoring great work in the sector.
We would love you to join us at our Festival!
- Date: 3rd November 2022
- Time: 9am until 6pm
- Location: Adelaide Hills Convention Centre
- Tickets are available now for members and non-members of Community Centres SA
- Member Prices for tickets, include early bird tickets at $280.00 (excluding GST and booking fee), and Standard member tickets at $310.00 (excluding GST and booking fee), when they apply their member coupon code.
- If you’d like to boost your conference experience, you can join us at our Awards Night and dinner in the evening, to book for this please click here.

Inspiring Speakers & Workshop Hosts
We have an array of exciting workshops, speakers and entertainment through out the day.
Please see the current agenda for the day by clicking here.

Nairn Walker
The Power of Language and Communication
Returning by demand! Nairn is undoubtedly one of CCSA’s most popular previous conference speakers. She is an Educator and Community Development Practitioner, having worked across Australia, NZ, the US and the UK with over one hundred thousand professionals to build optimal relationships and communications. She draws on the work of international specialists including Watkins’ Support Group framework, Payne’s understanding of economic diversity, de Vol’s ‘Bridges’ insights and Professor Bernards’ psychological expertise.

Dixon Chibanda
A Grandmother's Wisdom: Lessons From The Friendship Bench Zimbabwe
Dixon is based in Zimbabwe where he is the Director of the African Mental Health Research Initiative (AMARI). His flagship “Friendship Benches” programme has seen transformative changes around Zimbabwe through tapping into the wisdom and knowledge of grandmothers in addressing mental health. The Benches nurture community wellbeing through a cognitive behavioral therapy–based approach to kufungisisa, the local term for depression, literally translated into “thinking too much. It is this programme that inspired SA’s own Loneliness Warriors Progrmme designed by CCSA. A TED Talk favourite, Dixon is known for thinking outside the box as he explores ways of helping people with conditions such as depression, PTSD and ADHD.

Anneke Fitzgerald
Intergenerational Connectivity
We all know of the beautiful ABC series bringing young children and older Australians together? Anneke’s passion and research takes a deep dive into intergenerational connectedness. She is the Emeritus Professor of Health Services Management at Griffith University, and a national and international lead researcher on intergenerational practices, as well as the founder of the Australian Institute for Intergenerational practice (AIIP). With her team, she investigates the benefits of bringing societies oldest and yougeste members together as part of the Integernational Care Project. With learnings about what works, what doesn’t and why, Anneke’s research is compelling for improving our collective experiences in navigating age friendly communities.

MP Louise Miller-Frost
Advocating to Have Political Impact and Meaningful Impact On The Ground
How to advocate to have political impact as well as meaningful impact for the communities you support on the ground? Louise knows this space well. As previously CEO of Vinnies, and of Catherine House, Louise has worked across the human services sector in areas grappling with persistent poverty and disadvantage. Now as a MP in Federal Government, Louise will share her deep insight into advocacy and impact.

Belinda Curtis, Dementia Australia
Dementia Friendly
Dementia Australia brings together a number of their advocates to crack myths, highlight the tricks you can do individually and in your organisation to be Dementia Friendly, and voice the stories of life with Dementia. You’ll discover the variety of experiences and complexities that come with Dementia. Moments of joy will also shine in these conversations because the advocates will highlight how small and big actions by community make big differences!

Mark Pearce
Volunteering at Every Life Stage
Mark Pearce, the CEO for Volunteering Australia will discuss the trends and strategic directions in volunteering, with a focus being on the benefits and potential for volunteering to be part of all of our lives, from youth to old age. How can we attract a variety of cohorts and ages to volunteer? What works? What are some take home lessons for our conference participants from the community services sector.

Ben Lohmeyer
Building Social Connection in Community Centres

Lutheran Care
Experiences & Lessons From The Community Visitors Scheme
Moving to aged care homes sometimes comes with the feelings of disconnection for new residents. Lutheran Care is taking action with their Community Visitors Scheme. A program that promotes links between people living in an aged care home or in their own homes and the wider community. They will discuss with us their method for recruiting, training and supporting volunteers. They’ll also delve into the challenges and resolutions they have had with running the program, helping you to see how other organisations support volunteers and tackle loneliness.

Keren Sutton, Wyatt Trust
Lessons From Best Practice Co-Design
Wyatt Trust have been creating a completely new grants program specifically for older women who are experiencing, or at risk of falling into, poverty. You’ll hear about their process to making the grant with a special focus on responding the research they gathered. Their research has involved about 20 interviews with older women around South Australia, sharing their stories, what kinds of support they have accessed and would like to access and what life looks like for them when everything is going well or not so well. You’ll be inspired by Wyatt Trust’s commitment to responding to the key issues the interviews identified and understand how they made it work.

Julianne Parkinson
Living Laboratory
Global Centre for Modern Ageing’s Living Laboratory in Adelaide produces best-in-class research outcomes to help improve all of our lives as we age. With deep expertise in end-user experience research, Julianne’s team brings fresh, evidence-based insights to the notion of “ageing well”.

Mel Lambert
Mindset For Life
Retirement planning, we mostly think about money – How do I save for retirement? How much do I need? And these are all good questions to have, but have you thought about what the rest of your life will look like in retirement? Your lifestyle? The things that will keep you busy and fulfilled? Mel has. With Mindset For Life, she helps people’s retirement transition, supporting people think through this phase of life as one of opportunity, growth and purpose rather than as ‘retiring’ from life. Mel’s insight will encourage you to reflect personally but also on those in your community and how they can be supported during this big life shift.
Festival Fun!

Lesley Harris
Yoga for Life
Yoga is a powerful practice to support both physical and emotional wellbeing for anyone. Lesley Harris will take you through a gentle chair yoga practice, demonstrating how yoga can respond to the needs of a range of body types, ages and health conditions. Expect to feel refreshed and delighted by your own abilities. No fancy gym clothes or flexibility required, come as you are.

Fitness Fun!
Still Got The Groove
Fulham Community Centre’s Fitness Fun group shows how they’ve still got the groove and that you do too! Get ready to smile big, cheer and have some fun with this energetic group.
Your MC

Jill Andrews
Vibrant and Inspiring MC
Living well to age well is what Jill is all about! She has great stories about her adventures in health, fitness and staying fun. With her sparky nature and great humour, you will be looking forward to every moment of the festival.
Community Centres around South Australia are making a significant impact in making our society as inclusive, just and knowledgeable places full of innovation, connection and engagement. The Presentations and Awards allow us to showcase this amazing sector.

Six Community Centres are welcomed to the Festival of Ageing stage to present a recent project, initiative, innovation or contribution they have brought to their communities. We encourage them to present it in a way that reflects their project, whether through a solo presentation or members of the community sharing their stories, for example.

Our award night recognises the exceptional work Community Centres and community organisations are doing by recognising three Community Centres with three unique awards. These awards highlight the contribution that the Centres are making to community knowledge, inclusion, reconciliation and social justice.