
Why become a member?

Large and Powerful Voice.
You will become part of a network that supports the voice of 35,000 people across the State each week, and over 2 million across Australia annually that participate in Community Centres.

Deep Reach Into Communities.
Nationally, our network includes over 1,000 Community Centres and Neighbourhood Houses. That’s more than there are McDonalds or Woolworths or KFCs! Our reach into community needs and strengths is deep.

Best Practice Professional Development and Latest Information.
You will receive access to professional development, advice and information at low or no cost depending on your membership type.

You will gain access to a vast network of Communities of Practice across SA and Australia, with regular opportunities to connect up with peers, and foster meaningful new partnerships – through closed Facebook groups, annual conference, and regular events.

Access to DGR (deductible gift recipient).
We provide you with access to this vehicle for Neighbourhood Houses/Centres to accept tax deductible donations ($20 or over) or apply for grants from philanthropic foundations/trusts and corporations requiring DGR tax status.

"Taperoo community centre feels very supported by the initiatives implemented by Community Centres SA. It means so much to have a peak body who truly understands and responds to the needs of community centres. A huge thank you to you all for all of your wonderful advocacy and support." - Community Centres SA member

Membership types

Community Centre Member
We have over 100 members ranging from small independent Community Centres and Neighbourhood Houses through to larger council or agency funded ones. We have been representing and advocating for this sector for over 35 years, they are deeply embedded in our DNA. Membership fees start at $130.
Community Connector Member

Diverse in approach and location, our Community Connector organisations are those who share our ethos and values, but do not represent Community Centres and Neighbourhood Houses. They are part of our collective voice in advocating for strong and healthy communities and addressing inequality, poverty and disadvantage. They value the associated networks, partnerships and advocacy that membership with us can bring them. Membership fees start at $160. 

Friend Member

These are those individuals who (like Community Connectors) share our ethos and values but do not represent Community Centres and Neighbourhood Houses. Membership fees start at $50.

Also, this membership is for Peak body organisations with which we have reciprocal rights, and our valued Honorary Members that display exemplary skill and commitment as they work alongside communities and raise the profile of our sector. There are no membership fees for this membership type.

 Member Benefits & Pricing

Discover all the benefits you receive as a member with our Membership Benefit Chart and read our membership pricing here.

Some of our fellow peak members

Apply for Membership

If you would like to submit an application for a membership, please apply online.

Further Information

If you would like further information regarding membership info and eligibility criteria please contact CCSA

“If you do not step forward you will always be in the same place.”