Strategic & Advocacy Documents
Strategic Plan
Our Strategic Plan 2021 – 2025 was launched at our Annual General Meeting held on 4th November 2021.
We exist for the enhancement of our members and the development of our communities. This Strategic Plan reflects our focus on our membership and our ambitions for a thriving sector and strong and connected communities.
The Plan’s development is underpinned by data and Results Based Accountability™ methodology.
Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan
October 2018 – October 2020
Our vision for reconciliation is that our communities are strong and connected with a shared respect and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures, and a united commitment to fairness and justice for all Australians. Underpinned by our vision and values and focus on community development we will act on our commitment to advancing reconciliation through the Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan launched by Uncle Mickey Kumatpi Marrutya O’Brien at our 2018 conference.
Keys to the Digital World paper
Member Survey Report 2016
We were delighted to launch our Member Survey Report on 28 October 2016. The report presents the data from the 2016 Member Survey.
The report provides a snapshot of our sector and demonstrates the breadth of work Community and Neighbourhood Centres continue to offer across South Australia. As the information in this report belongs to the sector, the report is written from that perspective.
Economic & Social Impact Study
June 2019
The study explored community centre user outcomes resulting from their engagement with South
Australian community centres from their own perspectives. Six focus groups were conducted in May
and June 2019 at five community centres with 65 community centre users. Findings will contribute to
the future directions of South Australian government funded programs and activities operated by
community centres. The study set out to answer the following research questions:
- What are clients’ perspectives on the appropriateness and effectiveness of community centres in South Australia?
- What would enable community centres to optimise their contribution to positive user
Economic And Social Impact Study 2013
In 2013 we commissioned an economic and social impact study of the community and neighbourhood centres sector. The study was carried out by the SA Centre for Economic Studies of the Adelaide and Flinders Universities. You can find the full report here. Amongst other findings the study found that:
- Community and Neighbourhood Centres across South Australia have more than 2 million participant contacts each year
- there are over 35,000 participant contacts per week
- the contribution of volunteers in Centres and Neighbourhood Houses is more than 20,000 hours per week and is valued at over $29 million per year
Our Advocacy Submissions
We prepare submissions from time to time and contribute to broader sector submissions, usually in response to discussion papers or to proactively influence policy development.
- Adult Literacy & Its Importance Submission
- Retirement Villages Act Review Submission
- Volunteer Strategy for South Australia Submission
- Department of Home Affairs 2020-2021 Migration Program Submission
- Draft Joint Community Submission to the Government of South Australia’s draft Water Security Statement 2021
- Member Engagement Results 2021
- Submission on Draft SA Youth Action Plan – Strong Futures Projects
- Submission to the Health Performance Council – Health outcomes and experiences for people with a disability
- Submission to the Volunteering Strategy for South Australia – Beyond 2020 Consultation
- Submission to the Park Lands Dry Area Consultation
- Community Centres SA Adult Community Education Position Statement #1
- Community Centres SA Adult Community Education Position Statement #2
- Submission on the Training and Skills Development Amendment Bill 2020
- Submission to DHS for the Disability Access Inclusion Plan
- Submission to DEW for the Disability Access Inclusion Plan
- Position Statement – About Loneliness
Our Constitution
The Constitution is like Community Centres SA’s heart and soul.
It includes our Principal Purpose, our adopted Rules of Incorporation and our structure.