Changes to Fixed-Term Contracts - ANHCA Forum

The Australian Government has amended the Fair Work Act to place conditions on the use of fixed term contracts when engaging employees.

The rules came into effect on 6 December 2023. They require employers to give new employees engaged on a fixed term contract a Fixed Term Contract Information Statement (FTCIS) and will limit how fixed term contracts can be used. However, several exceptions may apply if you run a charity. Learn more here.

The Fair Work Commission have developed guidance to assist employers understand the new rules. In this information session, we will help you understand these new rules in the context of the Neighbourhood and Community House and Centre sector.

To help navigate this change, ANHCA is running an online information session on Tuesday 13th February.

You can register here: New rules for fixed term contracts | Humanitix

Further Information

Contact CCSA via or 8371 4622