Time Capsule

About the Time Capsule
Community Centres SA (CCSA) is celebrating its 40th Anniversary and CCSA was honoured to have Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC, Governor of South Australia, host a Vice Regal Reception to acknowledge CCSA being the Peak Body for the sector.
During the Vice Regal Reception, Her Excellency addressed guests and was invited to place a copy of her speech into the CCSA Time Capsule.
The theme that was selected for the Time Capsule was: “What do you see Community Centres as being in 40 years’ time?” – 2063.
The Time Capsule was chosen to symbolise the importance of acknowledging CCSA’s impact within the sector up until this current point in time. As well as, giving an opportunity for its members, stakeholders and supporters to collaboratively reflect on how they see Community Centres place in society in the future.
This exclusive Vice Regal Reception ies just one of several events that will celebrate CCSA’s 40th Birthday and will conclude with a special Morning Tea for all our members and sector to attend later on in the year to seal the Time Capsule.

CCSA Chairperson, Crisitina Blumberg & Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC, Governor of South Australia placing a copy of her speech into the time capsule.
CCSA now invites all its members and anyone in the sector to contribute to the Time Capsule.
CCSA now welcomes its members and supporters to make their own contributions to the Time Capsule.
We are now accepting contributions with the following parameters:
- An individual photo of what their Community Centre looks like now
- “A vision of what their Community Centre would look like in 2063”
- “A vision of what Community Centres will look like in 2063”
- A letter to their future selves
- Community Centres can provide a designed/styled fabric square (15cm x 15cm) that will form a bigger tapestry.
- Community Centres can provide a quilting square (15cm x 15cm) to form a bigger quilt.
- Community Centres can provide a digital image of their Community Centre, Where CCSA will edit all images together to form the design of a larger puzzle.
Time Capsule FAQs
What will CCSA place into the time capsule?
- Current dated newspaper
- CCSA Team and Board photo
- CCSA building photo
- CCSA current annual report + strategic plan