2024 South Australian Volunteer Awards

The South Australian Volunteer Awards recognise the invaluable work that volunteers, volunteer managers, community organisations and businesses contribute to the South Australian community.

Nominations for the 2024 Volunteer Awards are now open! If there’s a volunteer, volunteer manager, or volunteer program that you think is deserving of recognition, submit a nomination form today!



Award Categories

  • The Joy Noble Medal: South Australia’s highest distinction for an individual volunteer

  • The Young Volunteer Award: Recognising an impressive young volunteer.

  • The Andamooka Community Project Award: Recognising a community or group volunteer project of significant community benefit

  • The Excellence in Volunteer Management Award: Honours a volunteer manager for their outstanding contributions to the profession.

  • The Premier’s Award for Corporate Social Responsibility: Presented for the contribution of SA for-profit businesses to the community

For more information

Visit Volunteering SA & NT's website for the nomination guidelines and to submit a nomination form.​