Governance is a system of checks and balances which help leaders of not for profit organisations steer and grow their organisation. It leads to a positive board experience, proper management of conflict of interest and risk, good understanding and planning for financial controls and an organisation that thrives even through adversity. That sounds simple yet […]
Board members, CEO's and managers of not for profit organisations come to the role with a mix of skills and experience which makes their contribution to the overall success of the organisation unique and significant. Many don't have an in-depth knowledge of accounting or a head for numbers, yet their individual responsibilities often incorporate budget […]
International Conference on Graphene & 2D Materials (ICG2DM2024) has been scheduled on November 4-6,2024 at Vancouver, Canada. The three-day conference will include plenary and keynote lectures by experienced experts and Oral talks, Poster presentations, Workshops and Exhibitions. The main objective of the meeting is to promote contacts between scientists working in Graphene & 2D Materials, […]
Get ready for a blooming good time! Join us at the Festival of Flowers 2024, where you'll find stunning displays, gardening tips, and meet fellow plant enthusiasts! In attendance will be; African Violets Growers Group Australian Carnivorous Plant Society Bromeliad Society of South Australia Cactus and Succulent Society of Australia Cottage Gardens Group Fern Society […]
There are many grants available to non-profit organisations and with a workforce with limited time to dedicate to applying for grants, how do you decide which ones are the best? Where is the best place for you to invest your precious time? The first question to ask is, "Are we grant ready?". Many organisations fail […]
There are many grants available to non-profit organisations and with a workforce with limited time to dedicate to applying for grants, how do you decide which ones are the best? Where is the best place for you to invest your precious time? The first question to ask is, "Are we grant ready?". Many organisations fail […]